Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Sometimes Have to Wonder if Owners Think Through Their Dog's Names

If this dog's name doesn't cause someone in Helper to take a pock shot at me, nothing will.

Shouting 'DAGO!' across the play yard just can't be good for my health.

And I though yelling 'BOOZER!', 'BOURBON!', 'WISKEY!' and 'DUFUS!' was embarassing.


Mindi said...

oh, that just made me laugh right out loud. i think everyone should have a dog they could racially slur.....mine would be called "wetback" to honor my mexi heritage.

Shelley said...

Ya... I have had a few crazy named doggies here too! Sounds like you are busy! I have linked your blog to my new website... hope you are good with that.. when you get a moment check my new site out.
Cheers! Your fellow kennel operator friend, Shelley
English Farm Boarding Kennels, Ontario, Canada.