Wednesday, March 21, 2007

No Fighting On Mom

I established this very important rule when my dogs were just puppies. They can sit and play in my lap, but 'No Fighting On Mom' or you both get unceremoniously dumped onto the floor.

My dogs got this rule pretty quickly and I no longer had to invoke it. They also grew into a 60 and an 80 pound Labrador, so playing in my lap went away pretty quickly anyway.

I resurrected this rule after my second child was born. I was happy to have them pile on me for a book or two, but 'No Fighting On Mom' or you both get unceremoniously dumped onto the floor.

My kids also got this rule pretty quickly and like my puppies, they, too have out ground my lap and the chair as well.

This weekend, I had to pull out that dusty, unused rule again for Smokey Bill and Jack.

Yup, those are my knees and feet.

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