We are having an unusually early false Spring this year. It had just been beautiful around here for the past week. I have been out with the dogs in just my shirt sleeves and it feels great. I have got Spring Fever pretty bad this year, the extended really cold weather was killing me.
I am putting my Spring Fever to work. I started to dig a couple of hole for trees in the play yard. I am planning on putting in a sprinkler system and planting sod, so we are going to need some more trees to shade that sod. This hole is giving me a hard time. For every rock I try to remove there are four others that have to be dug out first. For every giant rock that I can't believe I got out there is always another bigger one.
I have two big ones loose, but I will need my husband to get them out of the hole. And still a few more to go after that.
If you think I have dug too big of a hole, you just don't know how bad the soil is around here. Besides rocks there just isn't much in our dirt. No worms, no organic material, no nutrients - just sand and dirt and rocks. So when I plant a tree, I make the whole at least 4 feet in diameter to give the tree space with real soil to start its roots in. This way the tree gets a really good start and I have a couple of years of trying to improve the soil further out before the tree gets that far.
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