Saturday, June 03, 2006

And now the Littles are out numbering the Bigs

I do have odd runs of dogs. I get weekends with a bunch of the same breed or the same name. I once had an a full kennel of only black and white dogs. And a different day with all carmel and white dogs. But today it is the little ones verses the big, current 7 to 2. But the big guys gain a teammate when a boxer shows up later.

I have 2 dachshunds, 2 Pomeranians, 2 Chiuhuahuas and the littlest Yorky you ever saw.

One Yellow Lab and Zoey Monster, she is very big, very thin, very jumpy, very orange and very much looks like her namesake from Sesame Street. She doesnot look very much like any breed of dog I have ever met before.


Ruth said...

I just wanted to say hi again and let you know I am still reading your blog. I so enjoy hearing about all the "stuff" the goes on in your life. Keep it up.

Semavi Lady said...

Okay you guys, don't disappear! Did the little dogs take over? "All your base are belong to us" !!!

...or did Zoey Monster abduct you?!

Seems you were way safer with all those Labbies running around! Come back!